Mayor: Craig X Rubin
Ok, everyone get your laughs that I'm going for the legalizing medical marijuana guy. Ok, are you done? Let's move on.
When it comes to a transportation platform, Rubin has the best one and for that reason he gets my vote. First, half the candidates fail the simple test of supporting the Subway to the Sea leaving us with just a handfull left: Villaraigosa, Craig X Rubin, Phil Jennerjahn, and Carlos Alvarez.
I couldn't find Alvarez's website. So we can cross him off the list. Villaraigosa has a poor record when it comes to cyclists both as Metro Board Chair and Mayor so we can cross him as well.
That leaves me with Jennerjahn and Rubin. A quick look at their plans reveals a superior one for Rubin who actually has a transportation plan. I think some of it won't pass muster, but because he mentions bike lanes he gets my vote. That's right, the transportation platforms of the candidates are so bad, that just mentioning building bike lanes gets a nod from me.
Comptroller: Wendy Greuel
I've had a couple conversations with Greuel over the past year about several transportation issues and always found her to be knowledgable and interested. Personally, I think she's a little to into speeding up traffic and increasing car capacity; but she's also shown a good grasp of bike issues and transit issues. Heck, she even has a whole page devoted to transit issues on her campaign website.
Where I am most hopeful is that she would build on her record of supporting car-sharing and Current Comptroller Laura Chick's reporting on the city's take-home car program to bring us a new way of provifing vehicles to city staff. At Streetsblog I've talked a lot about the "Philadelphia model" of car-sharing where the government drastically cuts its take-home vehicle program and replaces it by supporting a car sharing program.
If we want real car-share back in L.A., this is probably the only way we're going to see it.
City Council 5th District: Robert Schwartz
I like some of Schwartz's more creative ideas and some of the breath of knowledge he's shown on particular issues. For example, take this from his issues page:
Recent news that school districts are cutting back on bus service for students creates a host of new problems but also presents opportunities. Too many of our local schools can only be safely reached by school bus or car. We need to change this by improving intersections, bike routes, and sidewalks so that students do not need a motorized vehicle to get to class.
I think I would vote for any candidate that is willing to publicly state you don't need an engine to get to school.